Okay, so leaving it down to the last few days to get in my September blog..... My leadership event for September happens to be attending the presentation of Pat Williams in Blackwell. I hope this counts, but anyways....
When I went in to sit down, I was unsure as to whether or not this was going to be one of the speakers that you sit through and survive. I was actually surprised, because I got the impression of "hey, this guy knows what he is talking about." Not only did he outline some simple steps to being a good leader, but he followed the points himself in his presentation. The seven points were: vision, communication, people skills, character, competence, boldness, and a serving heart. Most of these were easy to see.
For myself I found a goal that I have had for a while.....but have you know...... swept under the rug and put off working on. Communication, I hate speaking in front of people.... I mean come on its like being put on a pedestal with a sign hanging around your neck that says....'go on and stare this is a one time embarrassment moment.' Not my favorite thing; however, I realize that I need to work on actually speaking this year and not just using sarcasm to make people laugh while I am presenting.
Guess what I am trying to say is to be more inspirational and less entertaining.
So, goal for myself....
Speak with something to say and don't waste listeners when you have them.
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